Healing through Boudoir

As humans and individuals, our lives are more interconnected than we like to admit. Our soul influences our mentality, our thoughts transform our heart, and our attitudes determine how we act and speak. Healing is no different. Whether your healing is physical, mental, or emotional, it takes all of our bodies (mind, soul, and spirit) to heal past wounds and hurts. And let’s face something that should be obvious: healing is work. It’s often difficult, painful, and can take time to work through.

But healing is also strength. It takes determination and grit to admit to yourself how ready you are to live free and healthy. “Courage” is the word that comes to mind. 

While we speak of healing, have you considered how boudoir can be part of your journey? Some may consider a shoot as just “sexy photos” but those who’ve experienced a shoot firsthand know it’s so much more. The lessons you receive through your time in the studio stay with you.

We’ve talked about pushing through fear before, but it’s worth mentioning again. Fear holds us back from experiencing all that life offers us. It cages us, like a bird, and doesn’t allow us to fly to great heights of freedom. When we allow fear to take the lead, we miss the opportunity to know ourselves in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Boudoir teaches vulnerability. For some, that’s a word that makes them flinch. Vulnerability means there is a chance for us to get hurt, and for many - the risk doesn’t outweigh the reward. But being open doesn’t make you weaker, it actually strengthens you. It can be scary, uncomfortable, but like any form of healing, it’ll allow you to see yourself in a brand new light. Allowing vulnerability to take place will manifest in other areas of your life and will teach you boundaries, how to share your achievements with others, and asking for what you want. 

Finally, what does your sexuality mean to you? For some, sexuality wasn’t a topic worth discussing growing up, and it led to stunted feelings and being ashamed of one's body. For others who were hypersexual growing up, guilt and pain can seep into your mind as you recall how you were spoken about or the words used to describe you or feeling “not normal.” Reclaiming your sexuality is crucial to your healing by teaching you to say “yes” just as much as saying “no.” You’re free to choose your sexual experiences, expressions, and to thrive from an empowered state of mind. Your journey is no one else’s - embrace and lean into that.

I hope you’re seeing how the healing journey is a unique experience to each person. If you’re ready to know yourself in a new way, let’s talk about it.


How Our Body Holds Trauma (and how to let it go)


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