How to Accept What’s Meant for You

What’s meant for you will find you.

If you’ve wondered what that means and how to apply it, you’re not alone. Life is full of challenges and things do not always go how we pictured them. Sometimes we’re in charge of fixing the issues, other times we couldn’t fix them even if we tried.

What’s meant for you will find you.

Our relationship with ourselves, our friends, and our family circulate around one key word: expectations. It’s human nature to hold expectations of ourselves and others, but after time our perceived expectations can distract us from reality. This can manifest through holding people accountable to specific standards you created.

Acceptance is the exact opposite of this. To accept things, situations, and relationships in their current state means letting go of those expectations of how things “should” be. Instead, allow life to play out as it will. It’s an ongoing conversation with yourself and connecting the thought of “it is what it is and I cannot change the current situation” inside yourself. 

What’s meant for you will find you.

So how do you accept things as they are? And how do the good things find you?

Begin small by noticing when you are trying to change/deny reality (i.e. “Why is this happening to me? This is unfair!” etc.) Remind yourself in these moments that you cannot control the situation and then, the best step: allow yourself to feel sad/disappointed/angry/frustrated. Remember: emotions are just visitors passing through - they won’t stay there forever.

This acceptance of how things are and how the universe is sending them your way will allow you to accept what is going to you and loosen your grip to control.

What’s meant for you will find you.


Leaning into Uncertainty


Mindfulness and Mental Health