Leaning into Uncertainty

Humans are naturally wired to seek stability, safety, and predictability. You may have felt this tension when the unknowns of life trigger feelings of anxiety and doubt. Certainty, while comfortable, doesn’t lead to much growth and although uncertainty is inevitable, you can learn to push through (and eventually) embrace it.

Why should I embrace uncertainty?

When we step outside of our comfort zone, our development of new skills and experiences grows. We slowly become more resilient, adaptable, and begin building confidence in our ability to navigate through unfamiliar waters.

Uncertainty has a way of sparking innovation and creativity as we’re forced to think differently when faced with new situations or problems. History is riddled with individuals who took a leap into the unknown and tackled all the risks that came with it.

When we challenge ourselves and pursue what’s meant for us (even if we’re scared), we create our own sense of purpose and meaning. It’s where the quote “enjoy the journey, not the destination” makes the most sense: we develop a deep appreciation for our life adventures rather than just focusing on when we’ll arrive at our ideal state.

How do I lean into uncertainty?

You may feel yourself thinking, “well, that sounds great but… how do I push myself?”

Step one is to embrace the unknowns in life. Life is about approaching uncertainty with curiosity and openness instead of avoiding it altogether. We can embrace this area by reframing uncertainty as an opportunity rather than a threat. When we acknowledge the unknown, our brains realize it’s a natural (and necessary) part of life.

Next, focus on what you CAN control. By focusing on what you’re able to control, you take the power back into your own body and reduce your anxiety while using the empowerment to push yourself forward. We’re more powerful than we realize - we can control our mindset, actions, and responses.

And lastly, remember to give yourself grace and compassion. It’s important to acknowledge that uncertainty is often uncomfortable, and it’s okay to be fearful or anxious. Be patient with yourself as you work through unfamiliar situations and relationships.

When each of us embraces uncertainty with open arms, we learn to navigate ourselves and ultimately others with greater ease and confidence. The next time you find yourself in an uncertain situation, remember to lean in and see where you go.


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